Setting up a new business – 1:1 Ninety minute mentoring session with Michael Day £180 incl VAT

Michael Day MBA FRICS FNAEA FARLA is one of the property industry’s leading and most experienced mentors and business advisers.

  • Company structure
  • Proposition – differentiators, brand
  • Business plan and exit plan
  • MVP and Kaisen
  • Compliance – registrations, policies, documents, insurance
  • Marketing – channels
  • People – who, employment model, remuneration structures, management
  • Premises – type, flexibility, terms, health & safety
  • Culture & brand reinforcement

This one to one session gives you access to over 48 years of experience and will provide you with the information you need to successfully hit the ground running.

Because these sessions are 1:1 they can be run on a more flexible basis time wise – if one of the times and dates shown as available do not suit – email [email protected] and we will make a mutually convenient appointment.


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